Train Smarter and Faster with Genetics on Your Side

Let your biology be the blueprint - discover workouts tailored to your natural strengths. Get started.

Maximize Gains, Minimize Pains - The GENEFIT Way

Download The GENEFIT App

Finally, an app that understands you inside out.

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Start Tracking Your Performance from Day One

GENEFIT works with any Garmin or Apple Health device with heart rate and GPS functionality.

Start Tracking Your Performance from Day One

$199 Lifetime

GENEFIT works with any Garmin or Apple Health device with heart rate and GPS functionality.

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Transform Your Body with Hyper-Personalized Exercise Routines

$14.99/mo or $119/yr

Subscribe to GENEFIT Gold and progress with genetically informed health & fitness scores, daily recovery actions, and training plans.

Your Personalized Path to Peak Performance

Your genetic analysis shows how you best respond to training and recovery.

Choose your preferred rest day, starting week, and log any existing injuries.

A training program is generated using your genetics, current fitness levels, wearable training data, and your selected goal.

Record your daily workout with your GENEFIT connected wearable device.

View your session details once your workout is completed and uploaded from your wearable.

The session score shows how well you executed your workout, based on your fitness levels, and prescribed intensity and duration.

Hitting multiple green session scores over time will result in a high consistency.

A high consistency is the fastest way to peak fitness. Track your short and long term fitness progress on your Performance tab.